Monday, May 2, 2016

Bikini Body

Howdy Sunshine! 

Hopefully your awake because I am. I am excited to share part dos, du, uh yeah two of mom perspective. So since yesterday we have survived the first night. Way to go! Let's fast forward to 2 weeks in. You are now feeling like a beat up old Ford as opposed to a Mack truck. You have at least showered for two whole minutes every two days- if you are one the well supported ones, 5 minutes tops due to your worries of "do I look like a bad mom if I stay in here longer.. and I miss my baby I must get out soon to see what they are doing". If you are the unsupported, its you and the baby against the world- the two minute shower (while they are on the toilet seat) feels like a lifetime and the best two minutes of your life. The mini-oasis but you still have the "am I bad mom if I stay in here to long and I miss them" speech in your head as you have shampoo running in your eye. You just had to peak to see if they were still on the toilet seat, didn't you?

I say all that to say. Even if you are the mom where its only you,  the mom and one other person or possibly a whole gang of parents, in-laws, siblings, long distance family you never knew cared around. You, the mom, have the same thought. "Am I a bad mom if I stay in to long and Oh I miss them" speech while you have a "you" moment. The point here sister girls is that we are so quick to judge ourselves and others. You enjoy those two minutes. You FREAKING earned it!!You have cared so much in the last two weeks that you did not even know you could care that much. Hell, you are still recovering from the best-worst time of your life.

Let's take charge of those two minute- five minute showers and care about ourselves. You cannot truly care for someone else until you have truly cared for  yourself. Take charge of your quick judgement. Remember that tiny person  probably wants you to smell good when they are seriously all up in your business-all the time, everyday, forever. Oh sorry, had a moment there. What I am saying is.. it  does not matter whether you have everyone or no one. We are all the same. Mom's.

Until next time...



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