Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Work it Out

Hey! Welcome back and thank you for staying with me. I hope that you are having fun so far and at least getting a chuckle or two out of this blog. If anything hopefully its a few  minutes to stop thinking, doing or being somebody's something or someone and be YOU. Mom moments are precious.

I want to talk  about a subject that women "joke" about and then secretly bash each other about. I want to get it out in the open and seriously talk about it- or at least give you my two cents.  I do not believe this was women led- possibly society led by the factors of what kind of world we live in today. The supermom. You can ask my husband, I am the first person to tell you that "I am not a super mom, I was just not made that way, so don't ask it of me and don't expect it to happen."

I personally am sick and tired of mom's pointing the finger and judging each other on this subject. Its honestly  disgusting because we all experience the same things just at different times of the day. We crave each others environment which is the funniest (ironic actually) thing about it.


Stay at home moms- hear this- I am a working mom and would die to be home with my kid because truth is I am so sad when I have to drop him off to be cared by someone who will never measure up to my love. I am sad that I cannot spend time with him during the morning, afternoon - instead I get 4-5  hours tops to squeeze in dinner, bath, bed time story and routine- maybe half a tv show and don't forget laundry, dishes, floors, bathrooms, etc etc.. because even though I am a working mom doesn't mean that I do not have to do all the things that at stay at home mom does - I just have 4 hours a night and every weekend to get it done before starting again. I envy the stay at home mom but I definitely do not undercut, judge her because I know her job is hard.

Working mom's- hear this-  I am a stay at home mom and would die to be at work where I can have some identity other than so and so's mom or wife. Where I can have goals and show off my mad organizational skills. I would love to make my own money and be able to not have to spend it all on babies needs. I would love not to have to have the entire house clean (22 times because the kids just literally are a path of destruction while you clean) and I swear I have cleaned up  that same damn block set 50 times today. I have no breaks, no lunch (I eat off the kids plate because their is no free moment for my own plate) and I work 365 days a year. When I take vacation - its just my life in a different city. But I envy the working mom because she gets to miss her life while at work.

POINT IS- stop saying I'm better than you. Just except the fact that we are moms all trying to do our best with the situation we are in.

Challenge- try and speak with a mom in an opposite situation- I promise you'll relate.



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