Saturday, May 7, 2016

It's Ok! Next time.

I know I am not the only mother who can understand this post. Just a WARNING I will probably offend someone with this post. But stick with me I've got a good point.

Do you feel exhausted, frustrated, annoyed sometimes even....angry with your kids? I say this and my kids only two. I know there is a mom out there with a 10, 15 or 5 year old that makes them feel this way too.

Maybe just maybe its not them its us...WOAH spoiler alert this post is not tips on what to do when your angry with your kids. Its on how to control, fix yourself before you wreck yourself, get yo crap together post.

Seriously moms, just take one of those savory mom moments and know that you are a good mom and of course your kids be on your nerve. The little kid has no self control, care or two craps about how you feel. They are living in "I'm taken care of,  I don't pay bills, where is my ice cream" world. Don't lie you remember the days of childhood bliss when you were not #adulting.

MY POINT IS: Who's the adult here? Who is the mature one? Why are you arguing with someone who doesn't have thought process down yet? Lets be serious if you don't have these at adult help from those who me from experience life gets better when you do.



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