Thursday, May 5, 2016

Time for Me

Me time. Hmmm. What is me time? I call it my mom moments. Basically, it's a few moments to remove yourself from the situation, its a few moments to take for you doing your favorite things (like me right now) or it's time to get back to you prior any labels.

I will never forget when Finn was 6 months old and he had finally started sleeping through the night for up to 9 hours. But one night (due to damn teeth cutting) he could not sleep, bless his ❤. He was up every few hours because YES my son is a stomach-face sleeper and he just couldn't get comfortable. 

And the common thing I hear and people assume is well you haven't been sleeping very well for the last 6 months so you should be a pro (puh- said people who never had kids). Sadly, no I was not a pro. I was a sleep deprived person who finally had been catching up on 6 months of no sleep and now waking up to screaming child. I will be the first to admit. I was tired, cranky and just honestly did not want to be awake.  I go to soothe the baby because its not his fault, he does not understand the pain, he can not communicate that it freaking hurts. But after the 4th time of doing that over a span of the night, crankier, tired beyond seeing, and out of soothing options. You need a mom moment. Its okay if they cry- they will learn to problem solve, self soothe and be more independent. Its okay if you walk away because now the only emotion showing up is anger-frustration. Trust me for the baby and yourself have a mom moment. Now that's not forever...its two to three minutes to "Get Yo Shit together lady" and get back in there. Or as my husband would say "knock it off" which means grow up, suck it up and make it happen. Have your moment Its good for everyone.

Mom moment to do your favorite things. This is a special mom moment. Its the moment where you allow the kid(s) to self entertain by any means and go be you. Not worry about the mess afterwards (that means don't bitch or yell at everyone afterwards just ask for help nicely to clean it up or do it yourself- otherwise you'll ruin your own mood)  or what broke or if your husband was able to pick up where you left off.
You have your moment. Read, write, sew, craft,  watch a show, go on a walk anything that you like for at least 1 hour (or more if your lucky). By doing this, you create self worth, you are happier and you are able to have identity other than mom or wife.

I say all this to say. Savor the mom moments in your life.



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