Monday, July 24, 2017

Stop it!

So every so often I get up on my soap box and rant about a topic that is very dear to my heart. It is the one topic that can get me riled  up and very passionate about.

When a fellow parent comes to me with the ache in their heart that I have felt so many many times, it just breaks  me because I know that exact feeling. The feeling of knowing that you will never be able to tell them all the things you know about your kid that he likes, he is scared of , how he responds to things ... How you won't be able to know for 100% that his feelings are being validated or that they are caring for him the way you do. You just never really know. That is scary. They are the most precious thing and you are hoping to God they care enough to treat him right.

It bothers me that we cannot be more open about things as mother's, wives or just people in general. This hush hush society is what is making people feel insecure about what should be normal feelings.

**When your scared that no one will love your child like you...
**When your scared at the unknowns of a situation you have never been in  (daycare, kindergarten, first day of highschool) ...
**When your running through all the things in your mind about how to be how to act...

Remember that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I have been there. Your feelings are real. You are valid in those thoughts and fears. And I want you to know THAT'S OK.

Until next time



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