Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Self Awareness- Mind, Body and Soul

Mind, body and spirit. Self Awareness. What do these actually mean? 

Remember when you were you before the labels of mom and wife.. when you were only a daughter of someone. Who was that person? Are you better  or worse now? Have you lost yourself or found yourself in your new labels. 

I remember in high school when this guy I dated did not want to put a label on our relationship. I blame the move Clueless for saying DTR (define the relationship) and me for being mildly obsessed with that movie for thinking I needed to be defined by a relationship. 

What I am saying is labels can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your perspective. It also depends on what boundaries you put in place with that label and your expectations of that label. Can I seriously say label anymore? Ha. We have to start being responsible for the titles given to us in life and take ownership on the authenticity, the perception and the exemplifying of that title. 

I have always said I can only be the best me. I cannot give you more and I cannot give you less. I am who I am - take me for what you get. If you accept that then we can be best  of friends and have the best relationship possible. I will never forget when  a friend wanted more out of me in the relationship than I knew I was capable of giving her. Its not that I did not want to I honestly just knew I would not . And rather than fake, or avoid her all together. I was honest. WAIT HOLD THE PHONE. Did I just tell you to be honest?  YES, I did. Be authentic and transparent with any relationship and you will be amazed at the amount of respect you will gain or you may weed out the people in your life that are not as invested in you as you thought. Its about how you define that label on that relationship by first defining yourself. This is MIND.

POINT IS: You define you. 

I never was really that skinny - I used to say I was "big boned." Oh Lawd, big boned.. umm our bones are all the same size said my college professor. Light bulb. It finally hit me. I was not actually being healthy with my choices. HOLD UP. Before  you go um why are we talking about weight and healthiness after labels. I have a point, stay with me. I would NEVER work out or see what portion I was eating. I would just eat. I was and am still very happy with the way I look. I do not have a mind set where I think I have to be skinny in order for people to like me. I do however want to be able to run around the park and not die from being sore or out of breath because I literally cannot carry my own weight around. SO, I started working out with two very AUTHENTIC label perceptive people who were willing to hold me accountable during a "I feel fat... I'm menstrual.. I don't feel up to it today" and tell me to move it, move it. I do not work out 4 hours every day. I do 1 hour sometimes less a day for 4 days. I eat what I want with portion control. I can run and  not die now. Its great! This is BODY. 

POINT IS: You control you. 

Have you read a psycho-analytical book or article about what you think you may have lately? What does being a middle child mean? Are you a child of divorce? Have you communicated with your spouse today? All this is good but have you asked yourself lately- am I feeding my soul? What is soul you may ask? What is spirit?

 I like this definition: "The spiritual part of humans regarded in its moral aspect, or asbelieved to survive death and be subject to happiness or misery in alife to come" 

Have you seriously considered the moral aspects of your life? Have you seriously considered the part of you that survives your death? And its subject to the happiness or misery in alife to come. WOAH. I do not know about you but when you think existentially, you start to remind yourself what is truly important in life. Am I good to people? Do I genuinely care about others? Do I give? Do I take the time to appreciate and be grateful for the things I have? Have I thanked the one being that has allowed all this to happen? This is SPIRIT.

POINT IS: You are you.  

Take care of you. Make sure you are spending time on Mind. Body. Soul. For it is your whole being. You cannot be there for anyone else if you are not there for you first. You cannot serve anyone if you are unequipped. Make sure whatever label you carry its a brand that you are proud of.



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