Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Return

There is no way to really return from a vacation. Leaving the peace to enter back into the so called "routine" of things. But, one has to do it because well that is the way things are. Its definitely not a an easy task but it does depend on the perspective you take when accomplishing it. This year I decided to take a "recovery day" and take a day off after returning from vacation to settle back into regular life. I figured I can clean, shop, rest etc before going back to corporate world. Children seem to have an easier time with this. Mainly because they just go where and do where adults tell them to. My toddler seem to take the approach of well I never left and this is where I belong approach. He walked into his day school, took off his jacket and pacifier, handed them both to me, gave me a big hug and then said, "love you mama,bye bye." There he went into the classroom to the craft section and was good to go- no tears no whining, just back to routine.

 He helps me remember to say no big deal, just go with the flow. I think that where people go wrong after vacations is they do not schedule themselves the recovery day or they work at a place that is toxic to them. I took a vacation to see family and experiences that I have never had before. I did not take vacation to escape work. You truly should not have to escape work. Find something that you enjoy going to every day then you will not have to dread going back. I remember going day to day into a job that I hated- I was miserable. It was not worth the stress and medical issues it caused. Especially when you can work anywhere you want. You are not tied down to that job. I got out of a toxic job.. made less for two weeks while trying to find a better paying job. If its money that is keeping you somewhere- there are two options.. live with less for awhile for your sanity and health or make more and be a jerk or alone the rest of your life. You can make more money at a job you love too - and be happy because achievements comes with raises for the most part. Invest yourself in doing better at your current job to make it more satisfying. Okay, enough of that rant.

 POINT IS: Do not return to something that is not worth your time. The return from vacation should be a joyful one, one where your relaxation last longer than the vacation.

 Until next time...



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