Monday, January 2, 2017

I'm an A**Hole and so be it.

Why is it acceptable for a toddler, a child or a teenager to be an a**hole but a parent cannot be one back.
Now before everyone gets all puffy and offended hear me out.

How come my three year old cam blatantly not listen when I have asked him something three or four times? I have tried between those three or four times to redirect him, to bribe him, to hug him (as he slaps me or screams in my face) and I have even come to the point of breaking down in tears and begging the child to listen. But after all this when he has simply forgotten because he is three and I have not because simply my brain can...that I snap back at the next request remembering what he just did to me ( yes I said what he did to me) that I am the a-hole.

I just want to be treated with love and kindness. Heard when I speak. Listened to and followed directions when given. Is that an a-hole?

Forgive me. I am not perfect. I am not super mom. I am me. And after a stressful trip, no decompression because the house hold must keep going. Kids, husbands must be fed, dishes to be done, clothes to be washed ...that when I snap...I am the a-hole.

I am me. That's all. Flawed, forgiven by His grace, and sometimes that means I am an ASSHOLE.

Until Next Time.... Be Real.


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