Monday, May 23, 2016

Watch yourself before you wreck yourself

Hello People !

I want to write today with a positive mind in tow. Ever feel like there is so much negativity around the world these days? Whatever happened to just being happy with being happy? I love to find peace in the simple things of life. For instance- nice weather, good people and perhaps just nature in general. Today was a good day. I went to a splash pad with my son and we had a good time eating popsicles (as you can see he is wearing it) and running through the freezing water (eek - still need Texas weather for water). It was great just being able to enjoy my son and not worrying about anything.

I find a real peace being here in the great land of "Oh CANADA!" I have said it to myself in a journal before but want to put it out there for all of you hanging in there with me on this journey of blogg-i-ness. You know that God is real when you can actually see his handy work. I feel most spiritually connected when I have gone to Newfoundland and even going to some parks here in Ontario.

There is something about actual nature that speaks to the soul. Its a good thing to literally STOP and breathe - literally breathe.

Everyone is so busy, busy. Everyone is so give me, give me and take, take. We forget about the "simple joys" as one viral chewbaca lady said. Simple Joys

POINT IS: Find something positive in your life to hold on to and never let go. I am all about being authentic. Find the place that you can be your true self and surround yourself with those you can do this. Being transparent is refreshing and uber cathartic. So when you are getting crabby and need a (as my mom called it growing up) a "chill pill" ,take time to stop and breathe.

Until next time.



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