Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Drama for your Mama

I want to post this because I personally see this as the biggest concern with the world we live in.

WARNING: This is not new news. Its my perspective. I'll probably offend someone.

We go about life in a take, take , take fashion. There are exceptions to the so called norm where we give to those who have either have been unconditional, really generous to us, or those who are our "favourites "

We love ourselves ALOT some way more than others and forget about those who dont have someone to love or struggle with loving themselves. Its heartbreaking, disappointing and down right disgusting. It makes me not want to be a part of this world or bring my kids into it. Sadly, we are tragically setting up the future for failure because of our lack of awareness for humanity. I AM SAYING all people are in this catagory... everyone is in a small way is a contributor to our perpetuating lack of love for others.

Not everyone is Christian and even those who claim that he doesn't exist says " treat those as you would treat yourself and love your neighbor as yourself" That is due to the fact that by design we are here to love.

POINT IS: Get over yourself people! Open your eyes and love each other. Sheez just smile at people once in a while. Bring humanity back to survivability.

Until next time...



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