Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Vacation Sugar

It makes me chuckle when I think of all the time we spend stressing about vacations, pre vacation.

Once we are here we then go in either two directions, completely relaxed or completely psycho. We are either awesome to be around or annoying to be around all trip. Or you can be like me and have a combination of both.

I tend to be psychotic the first two and last two days and wonderful in between if no one is on my nerve and the child is behaving more than 50% of the time. Ha! My husband may tell yah different but you'd have to ask 'em.

I think its all part of being a woman. We tend to worry about more things and our brain has a hard time capartmentalizing or turning off certain emotional triggers throughout the day. I envy that about men. And I am NOT saying men dont worry or are not emotional blah blah blah before someone gets thier panties in a wad let me make this clear...its a womens perspective blog.

Okay so now that I have offended someone I guess I can get to my point.

POINT IS: Take time to turn off the mommy/woman brain and enjoy vacation

Until Next Time....


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