Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Wait

I think back to my childhood, my teenage years and my life now; there is always a moment of waiting.

What is in the wait? Why do we have the wait? Ugh waiting. What is so wrong with being still? I know I have written in a previous post about being still with God and breathing. I know that I dont like getting super personal on here but I saw a video today on and it made me feel all those feelings I had in the wait.

God has a great way of showing up in the wait. Its incredible how real God becomes in that period. If you have truly been there you know what I mean if you haven't let me tell you a little bit. Its the moments when your most agitated, most vulnerable, mainly because of the uncertainty that is around you. Its when you have no idea what else YOU can do and YOU have tried everything and YOU are mentally, physically, emotionally exhausted. YOUR normal resources are dry, tapped out. YOU are desperate for a solution. The reoccurring theme here and the problem is YOU. I never truly or fully understood this until the year before reaching Canada but I had felt it before. I was in the wait.

If anyone knows me I am a little OCD, a perfectionist if you will. A planner and someone who likes to control every possible angle. You know how God has helped me with those gifts by showing me the wait. He is in control. He knows the plan and I'm here for the lesson in the wait. Its a very hard concept. I do not say that lightly. Its the most difficult thing to go through the wait but its also the most satisfying period of all life.

Times I have been in the wait...
Living in Texarkana (twighlight zone), my parents divorce, pretty much all of high school, the year before meeting my husband, cervical cancer, in the wrong job, before my son, in Dallas. Now, wether I handled that wait time well or knew it was the wait time is a blog for another day.

POINT IS: Its worth the wait. Psalm 63:3

Until next time...


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