Wednesday, September 7, 2016

People Come On, relax.

So I fibalky saw Bad Moms last night. It was good, I laughed, I reflected, I enjoyed it. The movie had some really real moments and in the same breath some really "yeah, that would never happen," shock value moments. Gotta sale those tickets. Gotta appeal to everyone. Why? Why do we have to appeal to everyone. Cant I have one movie for me, for you, for her, for him....
Sorry side tracked there. I was less than enthusiastic about the over dramatic scenes and the cheesey make up scenes (been done better.) I thought, just my opinion, they could have made the main girl, played bu Mila Kunis, more rough around the edges. That would have been realistic. Thats how moms get going. Moms just survive. They are tough.
I am tired of women potryed as tired and weak. Or overworked, underworked, not worked at all.
Its time for change. Time go gain respect for all women. For yourself. Time to take time for you and be unapologetic about it. Its okay to not be sorry. Its okay to say no. Its okay to relax, shockingly given the chance everyone around you can keep going if you sit down. Relax my friend. Think through even if it feels, seems or is dumb. Its good for the soul.

Until next time...



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