Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Sorry for the delay

Hey Y'all
Sorry for the delay in my writing. It's been a bit if an emotional and physical rollercoaster these past months.

To not get in much detail, between my son being in an unsafe daycare and having to switch him (financial and emotional burden) to say the least has been way to eventful for my liking .

I prefer ease and low maintenance days. May sound boring but I prefer the days that are predictable and planned. I do not like surprises believe it or not.

I handle adversity well and know who my creator is and who I can call in if I am in a rough spot. I just honestly hate dealing with all that because it makes me have to be a person I don't like being. I have worked hard in my life to always see the other side and be empathetic to everyone. A new fire in me though arose when they fucked with my son. I have heard the term mama bear but didn't understand it until it was staring me in the face and expelling from my skin.

I don't like that person but I needed her. My son needed her. It's that inner voice telling you fight or flight - protect and self preserve. It's not always a bad thing and I see that now.

So forgive me for my absence but I needed to find myself again.

Until next time



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