Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Day 1 - its a Journey not a destination



The back story: 

I have not always struggled with weight. I actually (not to sound conceded) thought I was pretty hot up until around 19 or 20 years old. You ask, why not in your 20s. Well thats when I found out I had cervical cancer and fighting it was not easy- I put on weight. From medications, from non-exercise, and from lovely PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome). Then I just started living life. Loving my new marriage, going to college, and working full time. Not really focusing on fitness. Had my first son, then just tried to learn how to mother (again not worrying about my fitness). 

Well jump forward to the first journey with what I found that actually worked for me with all my history and past medical and body issues. Beachbody. It definetly was not the first thing I tried. I did all protein diet (which made my gall bladder issues worse - had it removed). I tried no carbs diet. I tried only water diet. I tried it all. Nothing actually stuck except for the fat. 

I moved to Canada in 2015 (the red head on the left) and that year I met some wonderful people who went to the gym every day with me at work. That was my first lesson in learning what fitness means. Support, community and accountability. I lost 35 pounds with them (that was the protein diet time). 
Then I kept hearing from my friend about Beachbody- trust me I did not say yes right away. I literally kept putting it off and saying no over and over. I was like yeah its to much money, its not for me, wait until this wait until that. That was my second lesson in fitness... You have to make the choice and say shut up to the excuses. Its easy to come up with why not instead of lets do this. 

I lost 40 pounds, 18 inches and went down to a size 16 from a 22 with 3 rounds of 21 day fix and Piyo with Beachbody. This girl was super proud of herself. I worked my ass off literally and even worked to get my high school bod back (young naive girl in the bikini top below).  I got the first baby pouch down where I could wear more than just leggings woot@! Even though now I choose to wear them not because thats the only thing that fits, because I like them. 

What  Beachbody did for me is teach me to have self discipline. To make time for me. I cannot take care of anyone else unless I take care of myself first. It taught me that food is more than just an emotional fix. It is fuel, it is energy, it is what makes us be able to play with our kids without dying. It taught me that I am better than that workout and I can do it. When I was preggo with my second, I continued to workout up until my 9th month (then I was just to round ha, see pic below). With doing that I gained little weight and was able to bounce back faster after birth. The picture below is 1 week postpartum! 

SO... what I am asking is for you to follow me on this next journey with Beachbody to see what I can achieve. Call me out, encourage me, tell me how it is, give me tips- comment on your favorite workouts, food recipes and more. I would love to hear from you! 

My goals: 
Lose 15 pounds or 15 inches in the first round. By August 22nd. 
Lose 30 pounds or 30 inches in the second round. By September 22nd. 
Lose 45 pounds or go down 3 pant sizes in the third round. By October 22nd. 

My start weight: 216
My goal weight: 170
My goal pant size: 14
My goal inches lost: 30 inches or more
My goal: Completion

Until Next Time. 



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