Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Back to Me


As you saw in my last post, I did not meet my original goal of 15lbs however, I did lose 10 and I am proud of that. 

I am hunkering down for Round 2 and could not be more excited and scared at the same time. I tend to start a lot of things and then not finish them if they are for me in any way. I think well I need to be taking care of my family.. I need to work.. blah blah blah any excuse basically that I can find. 

My goals this round with 21 Day fix- follow the link to join me!
Still lose 15 pounds
Lose pant sizes 

I have found I am seriously not a water drinker. I just dont like the taste. I dunno does not matter if its bottled (whatever brand) just no. But I do need it. I know  it has tons of benefits and helps with weight loss.. but do I drink it.. maybe 36 oz at most each day.. AND THATS A GOOD DAY. 

I am feeling optimistic though. Bought some cute stuff to post to keep track of my food/water in take.. seems to be working so far.. only 2 days in. I will let you know. 

Okay, well that is all I have for today. I'll check in later and keep you updated! 

Until next time. 



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