Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Week 1 hell yah!

Hell yeah Yall!

I am loving this new fitness program. 80 Day is perfect if you want variation, impact and pace and nutrition help.

I was very skeptical but in the first week I have gone down 2 lbs and 10 inches yes yes yes !

It may seem small but thats just 1 week! Think what will happen in week 2 , 4 , 6 omg and 8!

I am so excited. Here we go! I will keep yall updated and dont forget to ask me for how to get involved!

Until Next Time

Be Real.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

80 Day Obsession and Last 90 Days

Ok! So its day 2 of 80 day obsession. A little off today because I have a mommy and me Yoga class today. So its right whrn I would be doing my 80 DAY workout. So now I will be working out midday instead.

Still on top of my nutrution. End of the week Ill make a post about what a week in the life of 80 day meal plan D looks like.

Nutrition is my goal this time around bc I know I can do the workout. Its eating on time and eating the right foods. I def eat not enough veg and fruit in my life.

Weight- 212 Goal-175 by Jan 1

Until next time, BE REAL.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Baby steps...

So Hey People
Remember  that cute stuff I bought to make my fitness goals? Well word to the wise - the grocery list one- use it and its fantastic. Just check off when  something  goes low or is out. However, the what did I eat that day one...maybe its because my subconscious doesn't want to see written out how I have failed that day or I am just  to lazy. It's more than  likely the former because the same thing happens to me when I am supposed  to post my good to my challenge group. 

90 percent of the time I am making healthy choices.  But at least once a day I crave yogurt ice cream  (a big bowl) or chocolate kit kat bars, or a greasy burger.

I could blame it on the calorie intake I need for breastfeeding  but that's just the fat person in me making excuses. I know what I need to do and what I am supposed  to do. I just don't sometimes and the  I fail. The bad thing is I dont feel bad about it. I just say well if it's the only  thing I fail at today tha  I am okay. Because my house, my family, my work are all take  care of...why is it that I never prioritize myself?

So with that said we are at the end  if 21 Day Fix....remember that my goals were 15 per round...lofty much. I lost 15 the whole 3 rounds BOO now that's disappointing.  I know its not from not working out...it was the nutrition. 

So new goal- be on point with my food with my new challenge group.  Assign one person to keep me accountable with food. The next challenge starts tomorrow and continues  until Jan 1. So this is my opportunity  to prioritize  myself and start  new habits. 

Get my shit together if you will. Remember I said I wanted to get back to me...well I have to stop putting me on the back. Bring  my ass  to the front.

Ok! Progress  of 80 day program  to come. 

Until next time.



Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Back to Me


As you saw in my last post, I did not meet my original goal of 15lbs however, I did lose 10 and I am proud of that. 

I am hunkering down for Round 2 and could not be more excited and scared at the same time. I tend to start a lot of things and then not finish them if they are for me in any way. I think well I need to be taking care of my family.. I need to work.. blah blah blah any excuse basically that I can find. 

My goals this round with 21 Day fix- follow the link to join me!
Still lose 15 pounds
Lose pant sizes 

I have found I am seriously not a water drinker. I just dont like the taste. I dunno does not matter if its bottled (whatever brand) just no. But I do need it. I know  it has tons of benefits and helps with weight loss.. but do I drink it.. maybe 36 oz at most each day.. AND THATS A GOOD DAY. 

I am feeling optimistic though. Bought some cute stuff to post to keep track of my food/water in take.. seems to be working so far.. only 2 days in. I will let you know. 

Okay, well that is all I have for today. I'll check in later and keep you updated! 

Until next time. 



Tuesday, August 28, 2018

High Hopes and Low Results

Well Hey Everybody!

Progress update on project be a skinny mom and lose the weight. We will call it, Operation Healthy Mama.

I am not exactly thrilled by the fact that I have been doing the workouts... not every day. But I am active every day. My goal is in September to do them every day. I was working myself up. I started doing 10, then 15 , then 20 and then the full 30 minutes. I did not realize how much 2 months of not working out can set you back like 6 months. I feel so out of shape. I went to  a park today with some pretty good size hills for a walking trail ... well that kicked my ass. I was out of breath by the second hill. How pathetic, I thought. Then I thought well my baby is only 8 weeks old. Then I thought, you should be better than this if you are a Beachbody Coach. But is that not what Beachbody is all about - your journey is not like everyone else's. Its your journey and your timing.

Meh. That's how I am feeling. Its hard. It sucks. I'm tired. I dont want to. Those are all my excuses. But then the other part of me is like, suck it up girl and get your ass in gear. Get this done and be on your way to skinny-dom. But that is not how it works, its a slow and grueling process. And if anything were ever easy then it would not be done, right. Or at least that is what I am telling myself.

I look at the post par-tum belly and like many moms out there, we all say the same thing. We earned it  but dont want to keep it forever. All though this guy, baby Jax, so worth it when I see his cute freaking face. Awww YASS , you did good mama. I know I have talked about this before. But the struggle is real this week. I'm having a hard go of keeping positive. Maybe because its the last week of summer, maybe its because we finally made it to the 8 week mark, maybe because I want it so bad. Could this be post par-tum depression? Not sure. Have to look into that.

Anyhow, I have only lost 10 lbs.. not the 15 I initially wanted in the first round. What that means is add the other 5 to next round. Urgh.

Any tips or advise would be appreciated. My doc already advised.. more water.. Bleh I hate water but OK.

Until next time.



Saturday, August 25, 2018

Flash Sale Beachbody

Update! I am down 10 pounds still have a week to go for my goals! I wanted to share this awesome group with you! Tons of sales and prizes and gift cards when signing up! Be sure to tag my name in the comments for your prizes! Click link Below!

Flash Sale

Join me on my fitness journey!

I will be posting progress pics next week.

Until next time.



Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Day 8- Week 1 done

Hey Y'all!

So update on my progress so far.

Weight- still 216 does not go down that fast guys. I'm very hopeful due to my results the last time. I did take day 4 and 5 as rest days - however I took walks on those days to stay active. My legs hurt so bad I couldn't wall up the steps. Talk about out of shape. I didn't realize not going full out during pregnancy and then taking the last month and the next month after baby would make me slow. Ha!

However I personally think that I am giving it 100%! Even with a few modifiers like push ups, weight size and marching instead of jogging. But I do the whole 30 min moving and even used baby as my 10lb heavy weight ha ha

I feel more energetic though and I am loving my #shakeology and my portion control with the fixate menu. It has really helped keep up milk supply for breastfeeding. Drinking that water and eating healthy is what my body needs for milk supply. I literally fed my baby and pumped 4 bottles for date night. I chalk it up to my beachbody lifestyle because it was not like this with the first one. Seriously I believe in this lifestyle change and if you are interested just reach out. I'll answer any questions. Its is an investment but so is anything you spend your money on.

I was very overweight and didn't eat right or often enough. Never took vitamins (still on prenatals). I also thought well I have good body image in my brain so why fix the outside if I am happy with who I am.

Anyhow just checking in and letting y'all know where I am at. I will post pics before and afters and measurements next week! Of course any new progress too

Until next time.

